Monday, May 3, 2010

i believe sunshine after rain~

12.46am wednesday

well......wad im gona tell is...

i lost some few frens which are owes in my heart...

n now...

they gone...

of cus,they still alive...

but their heart gone...='(

we use to have a drinks n talk sometimes...

but not now...n i dono future,but i am sure the answer still


wad my sis tell me is true...

don put the gold to ur frens...

like almost everything jus forcus on them...

i miss the time wad we hav last time...

the love owes win in relationship...


very lucky...i dint giv up on my family...

thx for the support...

my life,u gave future,u bring me go for it...

i am not a kid...but i felt happyness when i felt the love of urs~

especially to my sis...=))

she jus stand beside on my feet where ever i meet bad problems...

but i only meet my sis twice o once a year...

i do love u guys...really...

o ya...for sure...i still got some best fren owes date me me...

tht r so cute...

hav to stop tears feel like running out...

good nite



♥Juice♥Juicy♥ said...

Tat best fren must be me...hahaz..=D

joonjoon said...

i din hang out with u all time, bt i am the frenz in ur heart^^..hahaXD